The Rootmatters Programmes


I think as we get older, we realize that our health is integral in enabling us to do the things we want to do both now and in the future.  My desire is to help you re-align your health and well-being so that you feel energized, fit and healthy to being the best version of you!

I want to empower and coach you to make positive small steps on how to enhance your current state of health, to not fuss with diets and restrictions, but to get to know your own body and to feed and nourish it with not only food but all the primary foods that is so essential for our overall well-being today. 

We look at discovering root matters and the plethora of choices out there to help you choose what’s right for you!

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There is no fast track to better health and wellness, it’s simply continuous sustainable steps along the way.



One to one coaching sessions to identify current issues and step by step guides on how to reach realistic goals.


  • Information overload, there is just too much information out there, that you don’t know what to believe and what to choose what’s right for you.

  • Always trying to keep on a diet, but somehow it never sustains.

  • Do you have a health issue affecting the quality of your life?

  • Constantly having weight issues, feeling tired, overwhelmed, foggy minded and bloated.

  • You want to have a sustainable healthy lifestyle and live life to the fullest, but keep falling off track, and don’t know where and how to get back on the right path. You are unsure about how to eat healthy for your own body.


  • To discover what’s best for your own unique body and do away with constant diets.  

  • To introduce new whole foods that you can prepare so simply that you will wonder why you have waited this long!

  • Share techniques and tips to help you choose more mindfully and wisely when at the supermarkets, restaurants and when ordering out.  

  • To read labels for hidden processed foods, especially with all the different forms of sugars, and to seek more natural forms of ingredients overall.

  • Depending on what your body needs, I can help you go through a simple detox cleanse, reset your taste buds by addressing any cravings that you might have and set you back on the right track.

  • How to upgrade your ingredients list by making smarter and healthier choices, and enjoy good wholesome food that tastes delicious.

  • To balance in the “Primary Foods” of relationships, career, physical movement and spirituality, and hone in on the importance of “Secondary Foods” being food on your plate.

    Once on the right track, there’s no turning back to your old ways!  This is not a short-term fad diet, this is a long-term lifestyle change for an energized healthier version of YOU.  Are you ready to start your WELLNESS JOURNEY with me?

Let all that you do be done in LOVE.
— 1 Corinthians 16:14


  • To improve your health and well-being for the long term?  

  • To commit in doing this for yourself?

  • To try new things, such as basic cooking, upgrade your ingredients, introduce new habits, and have an open mind?

  • To accomplish step-by-step, achievable goals over a set period of time?


This is an initial 50 minutes FREE session that enables me to understand your health history, and where you are at now. You will have the opportunity to express all your dreams, goals, challenges and frustrations, and help me assess how I can support you in meeting your wellness needs and goals for the long term.


To create a lifestyle shift, it takes time and effort to break old habits and introduce new ones.  It has been proven that a 6-month programme can gradually ease you into a longer-term shift, and this would be through meeting every two weeks, with emails and communication in between.  Meetings are in person or via video media, if you are not in the country. Bonus meetings are scheduled for personal grocery shopping expeditions and / or a pantry clean out.

This ROOTMATTERS® programme is a unique tailor-made plan just for you.  We will set both your short-term and long-term goals and intentions together. It will be your dedication and commitment to follow the programme, and my commitment to guide you, support and coach you to a healthier, more fulfilling version of yourself.

The more you put into it, the more you will reap from it!




Interactive sharing of interesting and practical topics to learn and apply to daily life. Eg. How To Improve Your Gut Health, Upping Your Prebiotics and Probiotics Intake, Healthy Habits, Detox – Cleansing and Nourishing Ourselves, Healthy and Tasty Snacks etc.




Perhaps you have a group of colleagues or friends (3-6 persons) who want to get healthier and feel more revitalised.  We can meet over a lunch hour or a mutually convenient time to work in some group goals and be accountable for each other. 


Your body holds deep wisdom. Trust in it. Learn from it. Nourish it. Watch your life transform and be healthy.
— Bella Bleue



Sharing of topical topics of health and well-being to different audiences such as Corporate Companies, Health & Medical Industry, Schools, Churches, Community Events, Private Groups etc. Topics may include, but not limited to: Healthy Habits for Teens, Understanding The Importance of Feeding Your Gut, How Does Antioxidants and Free Radicals Impact My Life?

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