My Journey


My husband Chris, daughter Lauren and I, have lived in Macau since 2018.  Over the past 16 years we have lived in six homes in five different cities. We consider ourselves quite a nomadic and adaptable family unit.

My own journey to health and wellness has been greatly influenced by family, friends and of course, personal experiences.  

Visit myroots blog if you’d like to learn more about me.

who am i?

I am Kelly Tsoi, a British Born Chinese (BBC), who has lived half of my life in the UK and now over half in Asia. This cultural combination defines much of who I am today.  

I’m blessed to be an eclectic, cultural mix of east and west, with dashes of other international cultures thrown in the mix. I’ve worked and lived in the UK, Hong Kong and many of the diverse cities of China.   

My career started out more than 25 years ago in public relations and marketing communications in the luxury hotel industry and then in 2004, I married a hotelier. Together, we have been incredibly mobile in both our work and travels, allowing us to meet and embrace many different people and diverse cultures, foods and lifestyles on our international journey so far.   

For the last 13 years I have been a stay-at-home mum by choice. I don't think our daughter Lauren would have survived if I had worked full time (to say I was a workaholic would be an understatement according to my husband Chris). Being a homemaker has been a very fulfilling role for me and I would do it all again in a heartbeat.  I feel blessed to have Chris’ full support so that I am able to look after my loved ones and feed and nourish them with love and goodness, whilst being their biggest cheerleader, and them being mine!

During this time I discovered the true meaning of why my journey has been so meaningful and purposeful.  It is because I am a child of God, fearfully and wonderfully made and unconditionally loved by the Creator of the Universe. And with God’s “power at work in us He can do far more than we dare ask or imagine.” (Ephesians 3:20)  

I have found no matter what state of health we are in, there’s always areas where we need to work on, or roots we need to address.  I know that I am constantly identifying these things myself, and in doing so, it inspires me to seek natural ways and means to enhance my wellness journey.  Through the sharing of this journey I am hoping to make a difference to the lives of others.

As a graduate of The Institute of Integrative Nutrition School, headquartered in New York, I am now part of their mission “To play a crucial role in improving health and happiness, and through that process, to create a ripple effect that transforms the world.” 

We can all do our part, whether big or small, we just need to “want” to take the first step into living well. Once you make that choice the rest is history. 

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Certified as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach in 2017 from The Institute of Integrative Nutrition School headquartered in New York City

THE GUT HEALTH Course by The Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York 2018


Former hotel public relations and marketing communications professional

Hotel, Catering & Institutional Management at Highbury College of Technology, Portsmouth, England

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Let me help you be a healthier you!